by Susan Geary | May 25, 2010 | Blog, Uncategorized
Every morning I wake up to about 20 overnight emails that I need to read and respond to. Most are spam, even though I have a spam filter. All it takes is one online order to a company, and voila! I am on their list forever after, or until I decide to... by Susan Geary | Mar 30, 2010 | Blog, Privacy, Uncategorized
One of the biggest questions I hear from clients when I deliver a resume is “why isn’t my address listed?” I leave out the address to protect your privacy (as best I can these days) although I can only do so much. Thanks to websites like I... by Susan Geary | Mar 9, 2010 | Blog, digital dirt, employee surveillance, Facebook, Uncategorized
I was looking for a former colleague the other day on Facebook and lo and behold I found him! Before asking to “friend” him I looked at his profile, and discovered that he was married, and listed his wife’s Facebook page. Apparently you can easily do... by Susan Geary | Mar 5, 2010 | Blog, Uncategorized
Most people don’t consider resume writing as a science, but after writing these documents professionally for nearly a decade, I have come to the conclusion that resume writing is an art, and a science. That’s because there is so much research and strategy... by Susan Geary | Mar 5, 2010 | Blog, Career, Job Search Advice, resume writing, Uncategorized
That depends on who you ask. If you’re in an occupation that requires a high degree of creativity (ad agency?) then by all means you need an “over-the-top resume.” But if you have a more staid job, then a Plain Jane resume is all you need.... by Susan Geary | Mar 2, 2010 | Blog, Uncategorized
Have you heard the news that founder Bill Warren wants to start a new job search engine? Apparently he’s not that happy with what became of so he’s reinventing the wheel. According to an article published by the Associated Press,...