Choose Your Fonts Wisely

I’ll admit it, I’ve always been a font freak. I swear I missed my calling as a graphic artist because I love color, logos, and elegant typeface. But I learned a hard lesson early in my career as a resume writer that not all computers are created equal when...

New Years’ Resolutions

If your New Years’ resolution involves changing careers, then here’s some information to help you out. I’ve changed jobs, and careers numerous times by the time I turned 45 years old. Believe me, even with a fractured resume, I have been able to find...

Common Resume Mistakes

I critique about 50 resumes per week for executive job seekers. And after picking up this gig last year, I’ve figured out what common errors are still being committed when it comes to these vital documents. Here’s the first 5 on my exhaustive list. 1....