Yet More Ways That Employers Control the Interview

When we read this in the April 2006 issue of Business 2.0 magazine, we knew you would find an excerpt interesting:

“You don’t just get interviewed when you apply for a job at Southwest Airlines. You get auditioned–and it starts the moment you call for an application.

1. When a candidate calls for an application, managers jot down anything memorable about the conversation, good or bad. The same is true when the company flies recruits out for interviews. They receive special tickets, which alert gate agents, flight attendants, and others to pay special attention: Are they friendly to others or griping about service and slurping cocktails at 8 a.m.? If what the employees observe seems promising–or not–they’re likely to pass it on to HR.

2. Even when recruits aren’t on the spot, they’re on the spot. During group interviews of flight attendants, applicants take turns giving three-minute speeches about themselves in front of as many as 50 others. The catch? Managers are watching the audience as closely as the speaker. Candidates who pay attention pass the test; those who seem bored or distracted get bounced.”

Wow! Interesting reading and good information to know! Good luck in your job search!

–Susan Geary, CERW / 1st Rate Resumes