Observations of a Working Dog

Ever since Emily was a puppy she had a few chores to take care of. It’s makes her feel part of the pack and she enjoys contributing. We have a newspaper delivered to our driveway every morning so she can retrieve it. We’ve had to instruct over zealous...

Don’t Cry at Work

Today on “The View” the round table discussion turned to crying on the job and how it can get you fired. Whoopi and Joy mentioned that Barbara Walters had confirmed that people (okay, women) have been canned for such behavior. No one wants to see tears at...

No More than a Box-full

Does your cubicle at work look like it would take a U-haul to get everything out of there if you were suddenly terminated? If that’s the case, then it’s time to clean up your workspace. Perhaps you’ll uncover some achievement awards you forgot about, or a letter from...

Comment of the Day

This weekend I was watching an obit on Bea Arthur on CBS Sunday Morning. Ms. Arthur launched her career on Broadway and spent 30 years on the stage before getting discovered by Norman Lear for a walk-on role on All in the Family. From there, she played Maude, and a...