Thank you Kim Komando

I stumbled across an article of Kim Komando’s this week about how Microsoft documents store every little change and modification, and anyone who is the recipient of your resume or business letters, can find out all the edits you made. Scary! That’s why I...

1st Rate is 5!

Today is a big day for 1st Rate Resumes. It was five years ago today that I walked into the San Diego County Building and registered the name in the State of California. It was my resolution to start a new job, so I created one. Mind you, I knew very little about...

Drinkin’ at the Company Christmas Party

Ahhh, the holidays are here and with them the year end company Christmas party. Yee haw! Should you drink? According to careerjournal, it’s not a good idea. Especially if you’re an intern or new to the company. The same goes for having a cocktail during a...

Living the American Dream

With all the talk of freedom and the things we take for granted in this country, I’m amazed that our #1 freedom is overlooked daily by millions of Americans: the freedom to pursue any career we want. That’s right, in this country, no one dictates who will...