If you’re having trouble figuring out who gives the best advice for the job search industry, let me help shorten your search for free tips that are spot on.
1. QuintCareers.com — They sell resume and coaching services, and while I don’t know these folks, I am certainly impressed with the amount of free help they offer! From salary history sheets, to follow up thank you letters, and questions to ask for informational interviewing, chances are you will find answers to your questions, and get an idea of what it takes to be successful in your job search.
2. TheCareerClinic.com — Maureen Anderson is a Broadcast Journalist specializing in careers and the job search. Her show is fast paced enough to keep a topic (that is typically dull) interesting and engaging. The Career Clinic airs over the air in Northern Minnesota and Portland, as well as shorter vignettes on radio stations across the nation. Each show is streamed online, and updated every week.
3. LinkedIn.com — Whether you’re actively searching for a job, or trying to stay in touch with colleagues throughout your career, this site is a must. Poke around and learn about the groups, job vacancy announcements, and all the bells and whistles available.
4. BlueRidgePBS.org — On the first Tuesday of each month, JobQuest offers all new content, including resume tips, worksheets, interviewing, job fair ettitquette, and a calendar of upcoming events. For the audience in the broadcast viewing area, there are even 60 new jobs every month. Click on the JobQuest link and view video segments from past shows.
5. Careerealism.com — Great, trendsetting advice. Enough said.