
When companies downsize, displaced workers can cost quite a bit in unemployment compensation and a lower morale among those who stay on with the company. Show them you care without the huge cost that the major firms charge. A professional resume and cover letter will give your departing employees the best advantage possible.

Instead of “teaching” how to write a resume (like most outplacement firms), we write them. Not only will the resume and cover letter look and perform better; it will get your displaced workers back to work more quickly.  And it removes the headache for them of having to write it themselves. Our services include:

— ATS-friendly Resume and Cover Letter Preparation custom tailored to their occupation

— Job Search Strategies Presentation

— Individualized Career Coaching

— Linkedin Profiles

Contact us for a confidential assessment of your outplacement needs. We can save you thousands in fees and unemployment compensation. It’s a win-win for your company and your staff.