It’s college graduation month, and every year I’m disappointed to hear the number of new graduates who are unable to land a job in the field they studied. I don’t blame the educators, however, in my opinion much of the blame rests with College Career Centers.
Here’s why. After spending tens of thousands of dollars on a college education so that you can learn your intended occupation, you’re given misinformation on how to actually search a job. For one, nearly all college career service centers require their Advisers to have a Master’s Degree. Yet rarely do these folks have much experience on how to find a job. Think about it. Once they get their own steady paycheck, they don’t leave. I mean, when’s the last time these folks actually looked for a job themselves?
The obvious problem is right on the university websites. I looked at Virginia Tech and Ferrum College just this past week. Their resume samples look like they came out of a book from the mid 1990s. The word “OBJECTIVE” sits right at the top of these resume samples. Please! If you spend that much money on a college education, ignore the Career Services office and find someone off campus who is up-to-date on hiring, job applications, and resume writing. That’s the best investment you can make to enhance your college experience. Otherwise, you many end up paying far more for that college degree in lost wages and deep disappointment.